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Will partial dentures cause gum recession?

Dr. Amarnathan’s

Dr. Suresh Amarnathan, BDS.,

Jun 26, 2023

Gum Recession (or) Receding gums is a condition in which the gum tissues pull away from the tooth surfaces. As the gum margins are refracted, the root surfaces of teeth are exposed. Generally, it happens due to infections in the gums. Besides gingival infections and dental illnesses, gum recession is caused by medical complications like HIV and diabetes. 

Surprisingly, ill-fitting dentures also contribute to pulling back the gum from tooth surfaces. Partial dentures stand on top in this case.

How do wearing partial dentures cause gums to recede?

The replacement teeth in partial dentures are attached to a custom-made flat plastic plate that sits inside the mouth. The same applies to single-tooth dentures and complete dentures. Unlike natural teeth or implant teeth, denture teeth are not anchored in the bone. Instead, they rest on the gums.

So the denture teeth apply constant pressure on the gum tissues. In such circumstances, the gums are stressed while closing the jaw, even though you remove the fake teeth while eating and sleeping.

On the other hand, the clasp on partial dentures that keep the appliance in place by wrapping around the neighboring teeth irritates the gums further.

Similarly, wearing ill-fitting dentures contribute to trapping food particles against the gums. It paves the way for bacteria build up on gum margins and infect the gum tissues.

Gum tissues suffer substantially from such persistent irritations, bacterial invasion, and pressure exerted. Consequently, they become weak and end in gingival recession.

What are the possible aftereffects of receding gums?

As gingival recession exposes the sensitive areas of teeth covered by gums, deep pockets between teeth and gums will develop. It acts as a breeding ground for food debris, and microbial agents making the gum infection progresses to an advanced stage. It is followed by complications like

  • Severe bad breath
  • Bone loss
  • Teeth mobility
  • Tooth loss

What should a partial denture wearer do to prevent gum recession?

Adjusting the partial denture to ensure the clasp does not irritate the gum tissues can help you to avert gum recession to a certain extent. Likely, maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine and sanitizing the fake teeth set also aid in preventing gingival recession.

Make sure that the prosthetic device has been fitted perfectly. If you notice it becomes loose, consult your dentist to get a new one. It is because people who wear loose partials are more likely to develop receding gums.

Note: Getting dental implants is a wise choice to avoid gum recession due to partials. As the teeth implants are rooted in the jaw bone, they prevent gums from shrinking. Shrinking gums is the reason why dentures become loose over time.

Bottom line

The receding gums do not grow back, but you can get therapeutic solutions like gum graft surgery to repair gum recession. Meanwhile, it would help if you indulged in essential denture care activities to avoid gum recession brought on by the dental appliance.

Want to know alternatives for dentures or effective denture care tips for your gum health? Contact Dr. Amarnathan’s Dental Care and get expert tips from our dentists today.

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