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Will Mewing transform your jawline?

Will Mewing transform your jawline?

Dr. Amarnathan’s

Dr. Suresh Amarnathan, BDS.,

Aug 23, 2022

Mewing – The beautification technique created a massive craze on social media sites a few years ago. If you are active on social websites like Instagram, Youtube, you might see many “Before & After Mewing” photos. They depict changes in the face shape, due to which the exercise is still gaining popularity through social media sites and various online forums.

If you are curious about following this internet beauty craze, please hear what our dentists say about it.

What is Mewing?

Mewing, also known as Mewing jawline exercise, is a DIY facial restructuring technique focusing on tongue placement inside your mouth. This oral exercise is intended to improve particular soft tissues in the jawline and facial profile. It was initially prescribed for children as they still have growing jaw bone.

It is not a new concept, and it was proposed by a British father-son (John Mew, Michael Mew) of Orthodontists in the 90s. However, it is gaining popularity recently thanks to its strong social media presence.

How to do Mewing?

It is hard to detect the right instructional content from the thousands of mewing tutorials available online. Keep in mind that the exercise’s fundamentals remain the same despite contrary instructions. They are as follows:

  • Close your lips
  • Keep the front bottom teeth behind the front upper teeth by moving your jaw.
  • Place the entire tongue against the palate (roof of the mouth).

Make sure that the tongue tip does not touch the backside of the front teeth when you press your tongue against the palate. You should keep the tongue flattened against the palate for several minutes.

As we mostly keep our tongues away from the palate, Mewing requires a lot of practice to perform the exercise correctly.

Will it help you or is it just a trend on the internet?

You cannot expect the facial change in a few days after starting Mewing. To achieve the desired transformation, it is important to hold this tongue position for several minutes a day. Moreover, you should continue this routine for years.

It is not just a trending thing on the internet. Mewing jawline exercise is a part of the orthognathic concept that defines orofacial development and functionalities. Usually, when dentists diagnose problems in jaw bone development, they recommend oral exercises, dental appliances, or a combination of both to rectify the distress.

On the other hand, this exercise is prescribed to tone down the muscles around the jawline for adults. It is used as a part to treat certain conditions like sleep apnea, tongue posture issues, jaw pain, speech impediments, and bite problems.

However, its popping on social media leads to many misconceptions, like Mewing can alter the jawline shape, brings changes in facial structure, and so on. There is no evidence saying that mewing exercises could change the facial profile and jawline structure.

Are there any potential risks associated with Mewing?

When this jawline exercise is done improperly, the jawbone is greatly endangered. As a consequence, people could acquire the following dental dilemmas:

  • TMJ pain
  • Facial disproportion
  • Teeth misalignment
  • Loose teeth

Hence it is pivotal to consult your dentist before starting the mewing exercise.

Bottom line

People who want affordable healthcare solutions try the do-it-yourself tricks online without a second thought. Even though the techniques that become popular due to the social media craze are already in practice, many misconceptions begin to sprout.

Mewing jawline exercise is an instance. Even though it is benign in most cases and benefits your dental health, its internet craze has given rise to many misinterpretations, like it can reshape our faces.

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