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What are the problems with underbite?

Dr. Amarnathan’s

Dr. Suresh Amarnathan, BDS.,

Jan 08, 2021

An underbite is a class III type malocclusion (Improper alignment of the teeth) where your lower jaw part sits farther than the upper jaw. It may occur due to bad teeth alignment, skeletal malformation, or both.

Usually, this condition occurs due to genetic factors and needs procedures to prevent further complications. Dental braces and surgeries are common treatment procedures to correct an underbite. Understanding the causes of underbite and its future complication is the best thing before considering your treatment.

Causes of underbite



As said previously, in most cases, genetics is one of the main reasons for underbite. If a person from your family already has this problem, you have more chances to get it.

A person’s tooth shape, size, and jaw also depend on genetic factors.

Poor childhood habits

A boy sucks his thumb while sleeping

Prolonged use of pacifiers, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and prolonged bottle-feeding are some of the poor childhood habits that increase the risk of creating an underbite problem.

Stop your kids from these kinds of prolonged activities as soon as you notice.


Protrusion of the jaw occurs if there is a tumor in the mouth or jawbone. This also leads to an underbite.


An injury in the face causes permanent damage to the jawbones. Though broken jawbones are fixed and repaired with surgery, they won’t fit together properly leading to an underbite.

Problems with underbite

The difficulties related to an underbite can vary from mild to critical based on the level of the underbite. The problems can disturb both mental and physical health.

Problems with underbite

TMJ (Temporomandibular) disorder or constant jaw pain is a usual side effect. Stuck or locked feelings in the jaw result in a popping sensation. Few side effects of TMJ disorder include headaches, earaches, dizziness, and toothaches.

Common problems associated with an underbite

  • Constant mouth breathing
  • Speaking difficulties
  • Bacterial infections and Halitosis
  • Chewing and eating difficulties
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea
  • Tooth decay due to extreme wear of tooth enamel
  • Facial pain

An underbite problem may also affect the mental and psychological condition of a person apart from physical problems. They might feel like they lose their confidence and self-esteem.

Hopefully, an underbite can be easily spotted and fixed by the doctor. Also, at any age and in any stage of severity, it is possible to correct an underbite.

Treatments for Underbite

There are many ways to correct your underbite problems successfully. Your dentist may combine two or three of the following options to fix your bite problem.

1) Upper jaw expander

This metal device is available in both fixed and removable type like a retainer. It applies over the back teeth and slowly exerts out the teeth, and then stretches the palate.

2) Reverse pull headgear

It wraps around the head and brings the upper jaw back to the correct position by pulling it gradually. People find it scary, but it is a normal option to fix an underbite.

3) Braces

Orthodontic braces are used along with the above methods to underbite issues. This method is used also to correct bite issues such as crossbite, open bite, and overbite.

4) Underbite surgery

Underbite surgery is suggested only for aged patients or in severe cases. It shortens and alters the shape of the lower jaw. Also, the upper jaw can be extended to envelop the lower teeth in some cases. Plates, wires, and screws may be used to keep the jawbone in proper shape.

5) Invisalign

Invisalign is more preferred by people as they are virtually invisible. Your dentist may suggest only Invisalign treatment or also combines an underbite surgery to fix the problem.

Underbite issues are not common as overbites, because only 5 to 10% of the world population are affected by this problem. Treating this problem is necessary to avoid further complications.

Call us or book an appointment with us to get suitable underbite treatment with our experienced orthodontist.

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