Tips for fast healing after getting dental implants
That’s a great idea to get dental implants for your missing teeth. Choosing dental implants instead of dentures and crowns is a fair choice as it works almost like your natural teeth. They offer freedom to eat whatever you like and are very permanent. You may feel some discomfort after the surgery.
The healing period may vary from person to person based on the number of implants placed, jaw bone quality, procedure complexity, and pain tolerance. Taking proper care is important to get a speedy recovery and make your implants a successful one. Here are the tips for fast healing after getting dental implants.
1) Stay Hydrated

Drink more water to stay hydrated. It is an essential part to begin the healing process of your body. Staying hydrated will help to heal the damage by growing the tissues quickly. Your pain will be gradually reduced and medications also work faster.
2) Watch what you eat
Eating soft foods and rehydrating with fluids for a few days is a good way to take off the strain from the implant area. Having Soft foods like soup and yogurt can help avoid chewing. Avoid direct contact of extreme cold and hot foods to the implant site. Also, try to avoid hard-to-chew foods like hard candy and nuts.
3) Rest a lot
Before going back to the normal routine after surgery, take a rest for some days. Getting plenty of rest helps to recover quickly and avoids straining over the implant site. Vigorous movement can eradicate blood clots and results in a “dry socket”. A dry socket is a painful state that opens the implant site to infection.
4) Stop smoking

Stop smoking completely, or at least until the site recovers. Both chewing tobacco and smoking reduces the flow of blood throughout the jaw and slows down healing.
5) Saltwater rinse

Initially, during your first week of healing, prepare a solution by mixing hot water and a teaspoon of salt. Put the solution in the mouth and swish it. Do this saltwater rinse twice a day for a week. This process helps in disinfecting the implant area without any irritation.
6) Take the Prescribed Medication
After the implant surgery, you will be prescribed painkillers and antibiotics by your dentist to overcome the pain and infection during the recovery. Medicines help to bear the pain and prevent inflammations that may cause further complications.
7) Eat foods with high nutrition

Foods like eggs, broccoli, protein shakes, etc., are rich in calcium and protein. These kinds of foods help to fuse your jawbone with the implants easily.
8) Cold compress
After the implant surgery, it is common to have swelling. To reduce swelling and promote healing, a cold compress like ice is applied over the swollen area. Place it over 15 minutes, then take off it for another 15 minutes, then repeat. Along with the dentist-prescribed medication, a cold compress is used for a few days to ease swelling and pain.
9) Clean your teeth
Always brush your teeth and gums twice a day to prevent bacteria growth and germs. While brushing, avoid the implant area to prevent irritation. As soon as the tenderness is gone, clean the implant site to stay away from germs.
These are all simple steps that you can follow to stay out of pain and heal quickly. Contact us for dental implant treatment and problems with dental implants.