Why are overcorrection aligners necessary for teeth straightening?
Invisible braces are a clear set of custom-made, removable aligners that tend to correct the positioning of your teeth. Like metal braces, the clear braces also exert pressure over the teeth and underlying jaw bone to pull the teeth to their ideal position. In general, the Invisalign treatment duration differs for each person depending on how crooked their teeth are.
If you want to shorten the length of your clear braces treatment, you should strictly adhere to the instructions prescribed by your orthodontist.
For instance, a clear brace wearer should wear the corrective device for about 20 to 22 hours daily. The clear plastic trays should be changed every 2 to 3 weeks. Sometimes, minor adjustments are made to the treatment plan. This practice is primarily known as aligner refinements or overcorrection aligners.
What are refining aligners?
Invisalign refinements are additional trays provided at the treatment’s end. It is required when the teeth are not moved as planned, even wearing as directed. It does not mean clear braces are not effective.
On the contrary, patients’ smiles will not be on track, the gaps between the teeth will remain unclosed, and even their bites will not be adjusted if they have higher levels of malocclusion. It is also a repercussion for those who are not wearing braces properly.
In such circumstances, the braces doctor will fix additional aligners to correct the teeth position.
However, if an orthodontist detects a patient’s teeth have been repositioned correctly, Invisalign refinements will not be needed.
Who are the candidates for overcorrection aligners?
Generally, dentists determine the refining aligners are needed for a patient after assessing how well the teeth are shifting as scheduled. On the other hand, teeth shifting becomes tedious due to problems like higher levels of malocclusion. Similarly, various things will obstruct the teeth-straightening journey and mandate refining aligners. Some of them are as follows:
- Extrusion
- Rotations
- Teeth protrusion due to tongue thrusting
- Large gaps between teeth
How do the refining aligners straighten the teeth?
Mostly, the Invisalign refinements are fitted over the teeth after 80 to 90% of teeth movements are done by clear braces. The remaining portion is hard for the braces to accomplish; hence that Invisalign refinements are prescribed.
As the teeth have been repositioned greatly, the impression of the new alignment is made, and the new tray is fabricated with it.
Similar to braces trays, the patient should wear the refinement trays for 20 to 22 hours. Even though it elongates the teeth straightening treatment duration for a few months (3 to 6 months in general), it guarantees the patient’s smile will be on track quickly.
Are refining aligners the same as retainers?
No. The overcorrection aligners are mid-course treatment, whereas the retainers are required after the teeth are repositioned or straightened as expected.
To put it simply, alignment refinements are additional braces that tend to fix the hard-to-correct portions of your orthodontic journey. The retainers are designed to hold the teeth in new places and stop them from shifting again.
Do you want to know more about teeth straightening procedures like this? Contact our dentists here.