5 easy tips to keep your mouth guards clean
A mouth guard is a valuable dental appliance that is supposed to protect your teeth in various circumstances. Your dentist might advise you to wear a night mouth guard to protect your teeth from the harsh effects of teeth grinding while you sleep. Right? Likely, the children and sportspersons are advised to wear sports guards whenever they indulge in games. It protects their teeth, gums, oral tissues, and jaw bone from sports injuries.
You should keep the protective device clean regardless of the type of dental guard you use. If you wear the mouthpiece without cleaning, it is like
If you wear the mouthpiece without cleaning, it is equivalent to using a toothbrush without washing it after brushing. Our oral hygienists have shared the essential instructions to clean your mouth guard.
Why is it important to clean the dental mouth guards?
The mouthguards are porous so that food debris and harmful microbes can trap easily. If the appliance is not sanitized properly, it will turn into a haven for oral bacteria. Hours of wearing it will allow the pathogens to deeply invade the oral tissues.
It makes the wearers more likely to develop gum diseases, tooth infections, and other dental dilemmas. Hence we recommend keeping the appliance clean.
How to clean mouth guards?
Whether you purchase your mouth guard, sports guards from a shop, or designed specifically in a dental office, these cleaning guidelines can help you keep the mouthpiece tidy.
1) Brush the dental guard
Brushing the dental guards with soft-bristled toothpaste and mild toothpaste is the easiest way to eliminate the depositions on the dental mouth guards. Similar to dental braces, mouthpieces are also susceptible to get abrasions and even break if you brush them harshly. So avoid using abrasive materials, such as hard-bristled toothbrushes, and gently scrub the equipment to clean it.
While brushing, ensure that every nook of the appliance is cleaned. Then rinse with a cup of water.
2) Rinse with warm water
Whenever you take the dental guard from your mouth, don’t forget to rinse it with cool water. If possible, do it with warm water. This practice tends to remove food debris so that plaque build-up on the mouthpieces will not take place.
3) Dry the appliance in a clean environment
Once you rinse the dental guards after brushing or taking them out from your mouth, allow them to dry completely. Choose a well-sanitized place and keep the mouth guard there for about 15 to 30 minutes to dry it completely. It is because the moisture in oral appliances promotes bacterial growth.
4) Keep the appliance in a clean, vented container
You should place the mouth guard in a clean, vented container while you are not using the appliance. If the mouth guard case is left untidy and place the dental guard in it, there will be no point in cleaning the mouth guards. Right?
So clean the container with a regular dish soap periodically. Likewise, replace it with a new one every 6 to 12 months.
5) Deep clean the mouth guards every week
It is mandatory to deep clean the night guards and sports guards once a week. It involves soaking the appliance in a cleaning solution for about 30 minutes. Then brush and rinse it thoroughly as we discussed in the above section.
The following 3 disinfectants are widely recommended for the deep cleaning process:
- Vinegar and Hydrogen peroxide solution
- Over-the-counter denture cleaner
- Diluted mouthwash (Add one cap of mouthwash to a cup of water)
Bottom line
The dental guards completely cover the teeth to protect them against bruxism and sports-related injuries. As the protective device gets drenched in saliva for a while and is exposed to harmful microbes inside the mouth, it will become a breeding ground for bacteria. So you should engage in mouth guard sterilization actions.
If you encounter difficulties in wearing dental guards even aftercare them efficiently, you should consider replacing the mouth guard.
Contact our Dr. Amarnathan’s Dental Care to get additional tips to keep your night guards, sports guards safe and clean.