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Oil Pulling

How does oil pulling benefit our teeth and gums?

Dr. Amarnathan’s

Dr. Suresh Amarnathan, BDS.,

Nov 12, 2020

Oil Pulling is an Indian folk remedy that involves swirling oil around our mouth and it is claimed to have many benefits on our oral cavity. It involves swishing our mouth with edible oil (coconut oil, sunflower oil and sesame oil are recommended) for 15 – 20 minutes and spit it out. Even though dental doctors and researchers are not convinced about it as a cure for dental disorders, they recommend oil pulling to alleviate discomfort caused by various dental problems. Why?

The microbes inhabiting our mouth comprise of a single cell and are covered with a lipid, fatty membranes. When such membranes come into contact with oil, they affix to each other and make evacuating the pathogens easy. This reflects in benefiting your oral cavity in many aspects.

1) Prevent Cavities

Tooth decay occurs with a combination of factors including improper teeth cleaning, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and much more. They produce acids to weaken the enamel. When the acid is accompanied by oral bacteria, the cavity occurs.

2) Reduce Bad Breath

As oil pulling helps in decreasing the number of bacteria in the mouth, it inhibits the bacteria attack on teeth and prevents tooth decay.

Bad breath occurs with the accumulation of bacteria over the soft tissues in our mouth. For instance, when bacteria trapped between the grooves in the tongue’s skin, it eventually leads to tongue coating and emits a filthy smell.

Dentists recommend chlorhexidine mouthwashes to remove bacteria in the oral regions that cannot be reached with toothbrush bristles and even flossing wires.

Surprisingly, one of the recent studies shows that oil pulling is equally effective as chlorhexidine in evacuating oral bacteria.

3) Improves gum health

Oral bacteria partnered with acids and saliva to produce a sticky substance called plaque on the teeth surface over the gum margins. People with such plaque build-up are highly susceptible to developing gum diseases like gingivitis.

The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants present in coconut oil help in strengthening the gum tissues to reduce swelling and fight against microbes like Streptococcus mutans responsible for periodontal diseases.

4) Helps in teeth whitening

When you revolve the oil gently in the mouth for a few minutes, it swishes away the stains, microbes and other deposits to clean the teeth surfaces. It provides a smooth, polished surface to your teeth.

The role of oil pulling in teeth whitening has not been proved scientifically yet. It means oil pulling does not restore a tooth’s natural look devastated with deep stains.

5) Beauty Benefits

Ayurveda practitioners have stated that gargling oil for a few minutes a day enhances your appearance. Apart from bacteria removal, oil pulling is also helpful in strengthening jaws. Moreover, the practice supports reducing face flabbiness and improves your skin appearance.

Bottom line

The practice tends to strengthen teeth and gums that makes it easier to remove depositions on teeth. Even though the practice is not scientifically proved and associated with certain misconceptions, it is affordable and easy to add oral hygiene regimen.

If you feel skeptical about oil pulling, consult your dentist or oral hygienist once.

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