How does air pollution affect your oral health?
Is it surprising to know that air pollution will affect our oral cavity?
We probably don’t consider air pollution on a normal day. However, it is hidden from view but it is there around us.
WHO (World Health Organization) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus refers to air pollution as a “silent health crisis” during the inaugural WHO global conference on air pollution and health.
Four million of the seven million annual premature deaths brought on by air pollution are related to outdoor air pollution.
According to the WHO, fine particulate matter (PM) from outdoor air pollution causes acute and chronic respiratory illnesses, lung cancer, heart disease, and strokes.
This air pollution also leads to various dental health problems. Aside from common dental problems like cavities, tooth brittleness, it is powerful to cause various congenital dental disorders.
In this blog article, Dr. Suresh has explained the impact of air pollution on teeth, gums, and general oral health, and how to protect yourself from air pollution.
What potential dental health issues could air pollution cause?
The following are the negative impacts of air pollution on human dental health:
- Direct exposure to air pollution affects overall oral health, deteriorates the upper layer of the teeth, and increases the risk of dental caries.
- Airway inflammation results in asthma.
- Causing tooth enamel erosion leads to more cavities and chips.
- Toxin compounds sticking in tooth enamel.
- Due to the chlorine component in air pollution, enamel chips become discolored.
- During pregnancy, the fetus can be adversely affected by poor enamel formation (impaired mineralization), cleft palates, and less than 32 teeth.
- Inhaled small particles from air pollution can increase the risk of oral cancer.
- Causing dry mouth (xerostomia) may increase the risk of bad breath, gingivitis, tooth decay, and mouth infections.
How to avoid the risk of air pollution?
The following tips may help you to reduce the risk of air pollution in your teeth:
- Brush your teeth twice daily to help you refrain from tartar buildup and protect your teeth.
- Rinse your mouth with natural & homemade mouthwashes.
- Always wear a mask wherever you go outside.
- Give your gums a massage at least once a day.
- Visit a dentist every six months for checkups and treatment to prevent tooth cavities.
- If you work outdoors, wear a mouthguard.
- Keep your body hydrated to prevent dry mouth.
- Intake Vitamin c rich foods. Some of the great sources of vitamin C are almonds, eggs, cauliflower, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, raspberries, salmon, whole grains, spinach, avocado, and citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit.
Bottom line
Avoid going outside to protect your teeth and general oral health from air pollution. Remember to bring safety equipment like a mask and mouthguard with you if you go outside.
Follow the tips mentioned above to avoid the adverse consequences of air pollution. Make sure to keep simple preventive measures such as brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing your teeth daily, and rinsing your mouth with water or with mouth rinses at regular intervals.
Contact us right away if you are worried about how pollution may affect your dental health or if you have any other concerns regarding your mouth’s health.