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Are you in search of Home Remedies to Remove Plaque from Teeth? Read this blog for teeth tartar removal at home.

Home Remedies to Remove Plaque from Teeth

Dr. Amarnathan’s

Dr. Suresh Amarnathan, BDS.,

Sep 24, 2024

Caring for teeth and gums usually does not stop with the use of a toothbrush and floss. Most individuals always have issues with the formation of plaque at different parts of their teeth. Plaque is a thin, colorless layer of bacteria that forms on the teeth and causes cavities and gum diseases. Fortunately, there are viable home remedies that a man can take to overcome this problem. This blog will discover how to remove plaque from teeth, utilizing home remedies to remove plaque from teeth and maintain a healthy smile.

What is a Dental Plaque?

Dental plaque is a soft, sticky deposit found on the teeth’ surface. It has microorganisms that feed on sugar content derived from the ingestible food items. Otherwise, the plaque turns into tartar and causes severe problems concerning the teeth and gums. That’s why it is helpful to clean teeth every six months. However, there are home remedies to remove plaque from teeth that can control the formation of dental plaque.

Why is it Important to Remove Plaques?

Remove plaque from teeth is crucial for several reasons:

  • Prevents Cavities: Plaque attracts tartar, which forms cavities, also known as tooth decay.
  • Reduces Gum Disease: Gingivitis results from plaque formation, which in turn is gauche and irritates the gums.
  • Freshens Breath: Scaling of the teeth in a way that gets rid of bad breath solely associated with bacteria.
  • Promotes Overall Health: Gum disease has other disease effects that can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene.

This helps the person to have proper hygiene of the mouth and employees a healthy mouth since plaque is removed on a daily basis from the teeth.

Home Remedies to Remove Plaque from Teeth

The following are some effective home remedies to remove plaque from teeth and keep your teeth healthy:

Baking Soda

Baking soda also acts as a naturally occurring abrasive to remove the plaque. They are mild enough for day-to-day usage, and on top of that, they assist in whitening teeth. 

How to use it?

  • Mix: To transform baking soda into a thick paste, mix it with water using one teaspoon of baking soda.
baking soda for plaque removal
  • Brush: This paste should be applied to the toothbrush and used to brush your teeth gently.
  • Rinse: Spit out and do not swallow the saliva after every meal or, rather, any time a mouthwash is out before moving on to the next step.
  • Tip: It is recommended to use baking soda once a week. Overuse can wear down enamel.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Antibacterial properties are inherent in the apple cider vinegar. This can be used to decrease the buildup of plaque and improve oral odor. 

How to use it?

  • Dilute: Use one part of apple cider vinegar and two parts of water.
  • Swish: Chew the mixture for a total of 30 seconds in the mouth.
apple cider vinegar for plaque removal
  • Rinse: Then spit out the water and rinse your mouth with plain water after use.
  • Caution: However, considering the fact that it has great levels of acidity, its consumption should be limited. That’s why it should be consumed not more than once a week because of its adverse impact on the tooth enamel.

Coconut Oil Pulling

Coconut oil pulling has been recommended by practitioners for hundreds of years and can decrease bacteria and remove plaque from teeth. 

How to use it?

  • Swish: Try placing one tablespoon of coconut oil into your mouth. After that, hold it there by moving the oil with your tongue for at least 10-20 minutes.
coconut oil for plaque removal
  • Spit: Pour out the oil into a trash can, and do not pour it into the sink.
  • Rinse: In response to this, you should clear your mouth with warm water and brush your teeth.
  • Note: Do this at least once in the course of the day for the best outcome. The fact is that some time is required to start identifying certain changes.

Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater rinse helps ensure healthy gums by remove plaque from teeth. Salt makes it impossible for the bacteria that cause plaque to thrive since they require an acidic ambiance. 

How to use it?

  • Mix: Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Swish: Tip your head back and gargle with the solution, spit it out, then gargle with the solution again for 30 seconds.
salt and water for teeth
  • Spit: Dispense it out and then wash it out with running water only.
  • Frequency: They are prescribed to be used 2-3 times a week. This is really very good to take after eating a meal or something.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is applied naturally to avoid bacteria in the mouth and remove plaque from teeth

How to use it?

  • Dilute: We can only mix one drop of tea tree oil with an appropriate carrier oil, which can be coconut oil.
  • Apply: It is very easy to apply it as you just need to dab over the gums and teeth using a cotton swab.
tea tree oil for teeth
  • Rinse: The only thing that should be done afterward is to spit it out and rinse your mouth with water.
  • Reminder: Do not consume tea tree oil while suffering, and use this treatment not more than once a week.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is now famous for its use in the treatment of many diseases. It can help in curing gums and fighting against plaque. 

How to use it?

  • Extract: Ensure that you are using a fresh aloe vera gel or juice when undertaking treatment.
  • Brush: Take the gel form of aloe vera and rub it directly on your toothbrush, then clean your teeth.
aloe vera gel for teeth
  • Rinse: Rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Tip: Drinking aloe vera, in particular in a juice form is also beneficial to your oral health in other ways as well.

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, lemon, and other citrus fruits that have high or potent Vitamin C content are known to secrete pre-digestive saliva secretion. It plays a role in the digestion of food through the process of churning the food we take. Further, it neutralizes acids and removes food particles by helping us to swallow. 

How to use it?

  • Eat: Incorporate more citrus fruits into your diet.
Citrus Fruits
  • Rinse: After consuming, rinse your mouth with water to protect enamel.
  • Caution: Due to their acidity, limit exposure to citrus fruits. Always rinse afterward.

Dental Cleaning Guidelines

In addition to using these home remedies, follow these tips to maintain good oral hygiene and  remove plaque from teeth early:

  • Brush Twice Daily: Gargle and scrape at least once in the morning and once before going to sleep within two minutes each time.
  • Floss Daily: Clean down between the teeth to remove food particles and even plaque using floss.
  • Use Mouthwash: Utilize an antibacterial mouthwash as it has the property of killing bacteria.
  • Limit Sugary Foods: Avoid taking sweets and any product that contains sugar to reduce the formation of plaque.
  • Stay Hydrated: In order to assist wash out food particles, drink a lot of water.

When to See a Dentist for Plaque Removal

Home remedies to remove plaque from teeth can be helpful, but it is important to see a dental specialist for thorough care. If you detect any of the following symptoms, it’s time to make a visit to the dentist:

  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Gums that Bleed
  • Chronic Poor Breath
  • Inflamed or Swollen Gums

Professionals can clean your teeth and advise you to help you meet your needs.

Final Thoughts

Plaque has to be cleaned out of the teeth for the general overall health of the mouth. From the above guide, you can master several recipes that will help to solve the problem of plaque and white teeth. Just make sure that you always take care of teeth and gums because it is a lifetime responsibility, and do it regularly. But you should also know that those dental cheque-ups are also essential to help maintain your smile. If you follow these measures, you will have a clean mouth and avoid future dental problems. Therefore, charge up your life from today and get yourself a healthier smile!

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