About Us
Our facility is equipped with high technology dental systems to provide superior diagnostics. The highly advanced digital imaging (x-ray) system will allow our dentist to better diagnose the dental problems.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide families with superior dental services in a caring, comfortable, professional and hygienic environment. We are committed to our service of Education and Treatment on good Oral Health to every individual.
Dr. Amarnathan’s Dental Care established his Dental Care Facility at the present location in East Tambaram in 1968 with a single dental chair. With an illustrious forty plus years at the Madras Govt. Dental College as a leading Prosthodontist of repute, he was Head of the Dept. Postretirement, he stewarded the growth of SRM Dental College as Principal.
His Dental Care Facility has grown from strength to strength over the last fifty years with three bedrock-like precepts: ‘Uncompromising Quality Service’, ‘Loving Care’ ,‘Total Patient Satisfaction’ , ’Completely Satisfying Results’ and ’Complete Solution’. Today it has multiple dental chairs with state-of-the-art equipment and several senior specialty consultants available on call, serving the dental needs of five generations of committed families. Dr Suresh has assumed the responsibility of the Facility since 2001.
I graduated from Dr MGR Medical University in 1994, did a six-month senior internship at Kilpauk Medical Collge Hospital, and taught dentistry at SRM Dental College, Chennai for four years. I established in Guduvanchery in 1995 RAMS Dental Care, a sister dental facility of Dr Amarnathan’s Dental Care. Twenty-three years on, the facility has made great strides in the upkeep of dental health of the community in and around Guduvanchery.
After the four-year stint as a faculty in the SRM Dental College, when I became a full-time dental practitioner, the responsibility of Dr Amarnathan’s Dental Care came my way in 2001. Ever since then, I divide my time between the two facilities – mornings in Guduvanchery and evenings in East Tambaram, shouldering the administrative and professional responsibility of both.
Following in the footsteps of Dr Amarnathan, I follow the three golden precepts in letter and spirit: ‘Uncompromising Quality Service’, ‘Loving Care’ , ‘Total Patient Satisfaction’ , ’Completely Satisfying Results’ and ’Complete Solution’.
Fields of my special interest are Root Canal Procedure, Restorative Dentistry, and Crown and Bridge Therapies. I keep attending advanced dental education programs quite often to update my professional standing.
I am a Member of the Kancheepuram branch of Indian Dental Association, and was the convener of the Council of Dental Education for one year. I have done specialization courses on Root Canal Treatment, Braces, Laminates and Veneers. I like to travel and explore, and am avidly interested in swimming and cycling.
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