7 Tips to know how to clean retainers and keeps them safe
Has your orthodontic treatment completed? Congrats! Now it’s time to wear your brand new retainer.
Retainers are basically suggested after orthodontic treatment or having other oral care to protect the position of your teeth. After investing so much money in dental braces, failing to wear a retainer will make your investment waste.
These retainers quickly accumulate bacteria, plaque, and tartar after wearing it throughout the day and night. Cleaning it daily like your teeth is very important to keep away these germs.
If you are getting your new retainer, you are in the right place to know how to keep it clean and safe.
5 Indications that show It’s Time to Clean Your Retainer
- White spots on the retainer
- Smells bad
- Cloudy look
- Encased in a film
- It’s been over a week since it’s been cleaned
If you fail to maintain your device, it may show signs like cracking or breaking. Here are the 7 tips to keep your retainers clean and safe.
1) Clean it like brushing & flossing regularly
Regularly clean your retainers by gently brushing them using a soft-bristled toothbrush. After that scrub it gently after brushing your teeth to loosen up the invisible plaques. Removing the plaque mechanically will stop the plaque from turning into hard tartar. This is one of the easiest and most effective steps to keep your retainer clean for a long period.
2) Deep Cleaning The Retainers on a Weekly Basis
Clean your retainers deeply on a weekly basis to destroy hardened tartars, settled plaques and to eliminate germs that cause bad breath. Deep cleaning also helps you to keep your retainer in a new condition and preserves the clarity and color of the retainers.
Here are the simple yet effective deep cleaning steps:
- Scrub your retainer gently with a toothbrush and using mild dish soap and rinse well before wearing.
- Use water and white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio and soak the retainers in the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes based on the plaque level and tartar. Gently scrub it with a toothbrush and rinse before wearing it.
- Soak your retainer in mouthwash to eliminate the bad odor in the retainer. Avoid soaking in mouthwash frequently as the alcohol contained in the mouthwash may harm the plastic present in the retainer.
3) Use a protective case
A protective case not only protects your retainer from being crushed, chewed up, or thrown away by home pets, it also keeps your retainer clean from dust, dirt, and other debris from outside of your mouth. Find a case that has snap-lock mechanisms for closing and has ventilation and also look at whether it fits both upper and lower retainers.
4) Avoid heat
Exposing your retainer to high heat can bend your device and damage it. Remember it is always safe to keep your retainer away from:
- Dishwashers
- Boiling water
- Microwaves
- Dryer and washer
- Vehicle dashboard
5) Use Cleaning Tablets
Cleaning tablets are available readily and are more effective in removing tough bacteria like streptococcus. It is a bacteria that infects the tonsils and throats. Thus, use these cleaning tablets and clean your device thoroughly to reduce the risk of getting sick.
6) Replace if needed
Your retainers are like contact lenses and shoes. Because of regular wear and tear, it should be replaced periodically.
7) Ask the dentist if you have a doubt
If you have any trouble fitting the retainer, then it is dirty or worn out. It is time to visit your dentist. While wear and tear of the retainer are normal, a worn-out retainer will not do its job. Maintaining it properly is very important to prevent illness and increase the life of the retainer. Your dentist will provide you with a brand new retainer that will be much cleaner and more comfortable to wear.